Consisting of works Dead Nature and Movements, The Mailman and The Pianist, the
Trilogy deals with everyday life of three retirement home residents. The quiet and time
are used as powerful tools. In Dead Nature and Movements the viewer follows an el-
derly woman, left in a wheelchair at a dining table for an entire day. The woman is not
moved, but through the fragmented clipping the viewer sees the day pass by in a quick
pace – not least due to the clock visible on the wall. Despite the short duration of the
film, through the use of the special clipping, the viewer senses the tedium of the drawn
out time for the resident. In The Mailman and The Pianist, both documentaries in their
underlying basis, Tomic moves closer to the subject. The viewer is placed behind the
camera like a hidden onlooker behind the mirror, face to face with the residents Knud
and Charlie. Using simple steps and instruments both films draw their own small, telling
and touching portraits of the two men and their past before the retirement home, while
at the same time they are held fast by their new institutional existence as residents in
a retirement home.